
Steady State Spectrophotometers

JASCO V530 absorption spectrophotometer and Cary Eclipse fluorimeter are used routinely to provide steady state spectra.

Location: Room 206, Ultrafast Dynamics Lab, Chemistry Building

In-charge: Prof. Anindya Datta

Femtosecond Optical Gating (FOG)

Model- FOG, CDP corporation

Description- It is also known as fluorescence upconversion. Time resolved studies with time constants in the range of hundreds of femtoseconds to a few picoseconds are resolvable with FOG. This instrument consists of a Tsunami (Titanium: Sapphire) Laser pumped by Millenia (Neodymium: yttrium lithium fluoride) laser

Funding- Fund for improvement of S&T infrastructure (FIST), Department of Science & Technology (DST)

Location: Room 206, Ultrafast Dynamics Lab, Chemistry Building

In-charge: Prof. Anindya Datta

Transient Absorption

Model- Coherent Libra Integrated Ti:S Amplifier

Description- It is also known as pump-probe spectrophotometer. The sample is excited with an intense pump beam and its excited state dynamics are investigated with a weak probe beam. It is based on the measurement of the absorption of the probe beam by the sample in the presence and absence of the pump beam to get the time constants in the picosecond and sub-picosecond time regime


Location: Room 206, Ultrafast Dynamics Lab, Chemistry Building

In-charge: Prof. Anindya Datta

Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC)

Model- DeltaFlex TCSPC, Horiba

Description- Mai Tai® Ti:Sapphire oscillator is used as an excitation source of this TCSPC setup. It has a fundamental emission wavelength of 800 nm with a repetition rate of 80 MHz. Second harmonic generation (SHG) and Sum frequency generation (SHF, mainly THG) give us an opportunity to excite our samples with any wavelength between 320 nm to 520 nm. Our TCSPC is equipped with a hybrid picosecond photon detector (HPPD).

Funding- Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre, IIT Bombay

Location: Room 210 B, TRFS Facility, Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF) building.

In-charge: Prof. Anindya Datta

We are accepting external samples!

For more information visit the central facility website or contact us at

We are accepting external samples!

For more information visit the central facility website or contact us at

Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope (FLIM)

Model- Microtime 200, PicoQuant

Description- It has a complete confocal system with a laser combining unit, inverted microscope body, and dual-channel detection unit. Diode lasers for multicolor excitation of 405, 440, 532 and 640 nm are available. Two parallel detection channels using application-optimized detection with single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are equipped with the system. One can perform fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM), as well as fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) with this versatile setup of Microtime.

Funding- Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre, IIT Bombay

Location: Room 210 B, TRFS Facility, Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF) building.

In-charge: Prof. Anindya Datta